It's September.
I apologize for failing to maintain blog posts throughout the summer. It was a great summer, though, so family and friends can rest assured that I haven't dropped off the face of the internet world...I just have been staying in touch in other ways. \ (^o^) /
Let's see...
In June, I flew to MI for a weekend to surprise Nina at her graduation ceremony. Actually, everyone was surprised except Daddy and Pam. It was a whirlwind of a trip, traveling halfway across the world in a weekend, but well worth it as soon as I saw my family's surprised faces!
In July we still had school until about the 16th. Then Mom came and visited from the 30th until August 19. While she was here we went to Hakone for a day trip, then to Okinawa for a week, and ended with a three-day stay in Kyoto via shinkansen. Okinawa was fantastic. It had been almost 10 years since the last time I was there, so seeing relatives, old stomping grounds, and the ocean brought back a flood of memories. [sigh] I'm ready to go back...
Now it's back to the old routine of the school year. My schedule of classes is still the same as before break so it's nice that I don't have to adjust to anything new. In about two more weeks, we'll begin a new semester, and at that point, we switch halves of each class. I'll get a whole new set of students. That means more names to memorize, and it means starting back up from ground zero in building the girls' confidence to speak English in class. That's always rough, but by the end of the semester, I am so impressed to see how much they've improved. I want to keep going with them, but...a new semester begins and I have to start all over again.
In addition to my normal teaching at Ferris, I'm continuing with the Children's Choir at church. Our numbers have grown from three kids to FOUR kids! Keep praying...
I'm also continuing to teach the elementary Sunday school. Right now we have only two kids that come regularly because we lost lots of families that moved during the summer.
Pretty soon we are going to begin preparations for an evening Christmas program for the kids at church. This is something I will need LOTS of prayers for because as of now, it's just me putting it all together. I need helpers, or really, just another person to work with. Pray that there's also enough kids who are interested in participating. :o) That's always important.
Our Green House ministry on Thursdays has gotten off to a good start. We had a "Welcome Back to School" party for the students this past week and had about 20-30 students come. Instead of one teacher speaking, each of us gave what we called a "God-sighting" from our summer vacation. The students seemed interested to hear about our summers and at the same time, we threw in a little JESUS. Pray that this momentum and interest from the students continues this fall into the Christmas season.
I've been attending a Christian ministry called Lighthouse in Yokosuka. My first year here, I was going to the women's Bible study, but this year I am attending the service on Friday nights and playing piano during worship. It's kind of rough traveling down to Yokosuka two times a week (over an hour travel time one-way!) for rehearsal and the service, but with the Lord's strength...
Also, I now have two private English students. One student is an eight-year old girl and the other is a 25-year old female who wants to study English so she can study music in Germany. It's been fun to get to know another female vocalist.
Then aside from all this, I'm still working on my own Japanese language studies. Right now, I want to quit studying kanji, but I know I shouldn't. The speaking/conversation side of things has gotten easier, though, so that's encouraging. Especially this summer, I was able to speak a lot with Mom, and of course, relatives in Okinawa.
Well...that was just a preview into my fall festivities. I've passed the one-year mark living in Yokohama now. Time flies, but at the same time, with all that's happened, sometimes I think, "It's only been one year?!"
God is good. He continues to bless me every day in ways that are even better than what I can imagine for myself.